Q#1: How many Estimated days does it take to deliver?
Answer: It takes 5-8 days to be in front of your home. Some customers may experience delays due to COVID-19 safety protocols. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Q#2: Do you ship worldwide?
Answer: Right Now we are shipping in the USA.
Q#3: Do you offer same day delivery?
Answer: Unfortunately, we do not offer same day delivery.
Q#4: I just placed my order. Can I cancel it?
Answer: Order can be cancelled if it hasn't processed yet. Processed orders can not be canceled.
Q#5: Can I add/remove products from my order?
Answer: Order can be modified if it hasn't processed yet. Once an order is processed, it cannot be modified or edited in any form.
Q#6: I placed an order and it was cancelled the same day. What happened?
Answer: There are a variety of reasons why your order may have been canceled. Please contact us.
Q#7: Can I track my packages online?
Answer: You can easily track your packages online.